all postcodes in WR10 / PERSHORE

find any address or company within the WR10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR10 2AA 3 0 52.114962 -2.087415
WR10 2AB 8 0 52.120295 -2.100782
WR10 2AD 17 0 52.11565 -2.113002
WR10 2AE 9 0 52.130228 -2.118371
WR10 2AF 15 1 52.132039 -2.123475
WR10 2AG 18 6 52.135763 -2.114975
WR10 2AH 18 0 52.132275 -2.101664
WR10 2AJ 41 0 52.134548 -2.104313
WR10 2AL 13 1 52.13237 -2.088085
WR10 2AN 57 0 52.135122 -2.105527
WR10 2AP 67 1 52.136935 -2.108278
WR10 2AQ 18 0 52.132801 -2.107114
WR10 2AR 11 0 52.138995 -2.107567
WR10 2AS 10 0 52.140309 -2.106431
WR10 2AT 3 0 52.142434 -2.102111
WR10 2AU 7 1 52.153379 -2.112273
WR10 2AW 8 1 52.13412 -2.109411
WR10 2AX 24 0 52.138637 -2.106032
WR10 2AY 13 0 52.138933 -2.106778
WR10 2AZ 21 0 52.13834 -2.106528